Some of the Guests are new to this life in the margins, but the vast majority of the Guests have been struggling with complex issues for as long as they can remember – abuse, mental illness, addiction, PTSD, physical disabilities, and more. Many of them have been on the streets since childhood and we know that these complex issues cannot be treated with food alone. Nourishment is just one part of the puzzle, as we help the Guests piece their lives back together. Through collaborative partnerships, we offer primary health and social services via a team of professionals on-site who give the Guests the physical and psychological support they so desperately need.
Primary Health Care Services
Finding Housing
Many of the Guests live in housing that is precarious and high risk. Some of them sleep in garages and alleyways. The Gathering Place offers an overnight emergency shelter for 30 Guests every night, offering them a safe and clean place to lay their heads. Navigating the housing system can be difficult, especially for those with limited communication skills and mental health issues, so our Social Workers work hard to secure decent housing for the Guests on their behalf. We are currently working on a 40-bed permanent overnight shelter (O’Callaghan’s Haven), as well as transitional and supportive housing through the soon to be completed (2024) Mercy House Project.